As results of different examinations are beingdeclared, I thought it would be worth while mentioningdifferent people considered failures who went on tobecome roaring successes!
A winner is not one who never fails......but one whoNEVER QUITS!!!
"Need proof? Read on...
Successful Failures..!
Officials rejected a candidate for a news broadcasterspost since his voice was not fit for a newsbroadcaster. He was also told that with hisobnoxiously long name, he would never be famous. He isthe great Amitabh Bachchan.
In 1962, four nervous young musicians played theirfirst record audition for the executives of the DeccaRecording Company. The executives were not impressed.While turning down this group of musicians, oneexecutive said, "We don't like their sound. Groups ofguitars are on the way out."The group was called The Beatles!
In 1944, Emmeline Snively, director of the Blue BookModeling Agency told modeling hopeful Norma JeanBaker, "You'd better learn secretarial work or elseget married". She went on and became Marilyn Monroe!In 1954, Jimmy Denny, manager of the Grand Ole Opry,fired a singer after one performance. He told him,"You ain't goin' nowhere son. You ought to go back todrivin' a truck". He went on to become Elvis Presley!
A small boy--the fifth amongst seven siblings of apoor father, was selling newspapers in a small villageto earn his living. He was not exceptionally smart atschool but was fascinated by religion and rockets. Thefirst rocket he built crashed. A missile that he builtcrashed multiple times and he was made a butt ofridicule. He is the person to have scripted the SpaceOdyssey of India single-handedly. He is Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam, President of India!
When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in1876, it did not ring off the hook with calls frompotential backers. After making a demonstration call,President Rutherford Hayes said, "That's an amazinginvention, but who would ever want to see one ofthem?
"When Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, he triedover 2000 experiments before he got it to work. Ayoung reporter asked him how it felt to fail so manytimes. He said, "I never failed once. I invented thelight bulb. It just happened to be a 2000-stepprocess!"
In the 1940s, another young inventor named ChesterCarlson took his idea to 20 corporations, includingsome of the biggest in the country. They all turnedhim down. In 1947, after 7 long years of rejections,he finally got a tiny company in Rochester, NY, theHaloid Company, to purchase the rights to hisinvention--an electrostatic paper-copyingprocess. Haloid became Xerox Corporation..!
A schoolteacher scolded a boy for not paying attentionto his mathematics and for not being able to solvesimple problems. She told him that you would notbecome anybody in life. The boy was Albert Einstein!
The world is teeming with failures who’ve became successful. Don’t be disheartened if you’re goingthrough a rough patch now; just grit your teeth,strive on and join the gang of successful failures
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